Der Blutharsch - When All Else Fails!
When All Else
Fails! is the latest CD from Austria's
Der Blutharsch.
Solemn martial music sets the tone for Der Blutharsch's fourth
studio album featuring an effective blend of classical sampling,
military percussion and martial chant. Their main influences
remain the classical structures of Laibach, the militaristic
bombast of Non and the entire oeuvre of Death In June. Those
under the belief that Herr Julius is some sort of fascist pig may
be surprised by Albin's keen ear for sampling and cinematic
production techniques. Marthyana's female vocals act as a subtle
counterpoint to the stoic male vocalisations.
When All Else
Fails! continues Der Blutharsch's annoying trait of not
producing song titles. Outside of Der Blutharsch Albin Julius has
demonstrated a great sense of humour but perhaps the jovial chant
of track 12 is the first explicit display of this on a Der
Blutharsch recording. However I doubt this is sufficient to
ensure a banning in certain parts of Europe. On
When All Else
Fails! Albin is aided by Lina Baby Doll (Deutsch Nepal), J
Weber (Novy Svet) and Geoffroy D (I.S.K.) The vinyl version
features two 10-inches, and a poster sealed inside a container.
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