Compulsion | PO Box 19577 | Kilbarchan |Johnstone | PA10 2WX | Scotland | UK

G.X. Jupitter-Larsen and Allan Zane - Banjax

This is a collaborative effort from G.X. Jupitter-Larsen of The Haters and Allan Zane of Wyrm, bringing together the frontman of the veteran US noise group with Zane's more darkly atmospheric outfit. Superficially at least this is a "noise" release comprised of sound manipulations involving explosions, breaking glass, and the destruction of various items by power tools spread over three tracks. The first track is prime sonic chaos of buzzing, grating, layered noise with a shimmering wall of atmo-noise lurking behind but almost obscured by the constant drone of the drill. At 15 minutes it's a fairly unremitting but it continuously sheds and gain new layers. It takes up to 8 minutes before 'Banjax II' subsides from the dense onslaught into controlled bursts of noise, punctuated by shrill blasts before settling into some more restrained territory. The final tracks kicks off with rhythmic noise that leads into dark ambient textures. Allan Zane of Wyrm has a number of other collaborations pending, let's hope they offer far more of his blackened atmospheres as Banjax opts too much for industrial noise. For more information go to