Hexentanz - The Sabbat Comes Softly

Hexentanz is a collaboration
between Psychonaut 75 and the Soil Bleeds Black. The Soil Bleeds
Black are medieval renaissance men while Psychonaut 75 are
exponents of dark dance music firmly rooted in the occult arts.
Together they explore witchraft and sorcery in the middle ages
such as 'The Osculum Infame', the kiss of shame given by heretics
to the Devil. Psychonaut 75's rhythm provides the impetus while
the Soil Bleeds Black supply the melody found on
The Sabbat
Comes Softly. The music ranges from funereal procession music
to frantic ritual drumming. I may be mistaken but I'll be damned
if this didn't incorporate William S Burrough's narration to
Witchcraft Through The Ages. This is the first release
from Hexentanz who are scheduled to continue this collaboration
via The Fossil Dungeon label.
For more information on the Fossil Dungeon label go to